3 Ways to Stay on Top of Regulatory Compliance at Your Healthcare Org

Is your organization feeling the pressure of regulatory compliance concerns?

It’s hard to keep up with all the new regulations and sometimes even harder to make sense of the often vague language used in regulations. Below are three of the highest impact ways we recommend getting achieving and maintaining compliance in your healthcare organization.

Solution #1: Leverage Technology

One solution to the challenges of regulatory compliance in healthcare is to leverage technology. Healthcare organizations can utilize subscription services that automatically deliver updates on relevant regulations. These services can help organizations stay informed about new rules and updates that emerge in the regulatory landscape. Online resources also provide centralized repositories of regulatory information, making it easier and cost effective for organizations to access and search for specific regulations.

Additionally, there are software solutions available that can analyze an organization's practices against current regulations. These tools can highlight potential areas of non-compliance, allowing organizations to identify and address any gaps in their processes.

Here are several industry-leading software programs that can assist healthcare organizations in their regulatory compliance efforts:

MedTrainer: MedTrainer is a comprehensive compliance management suite that offers solutions for training, compliance documentation, and credential management. It provides healthcare organizations with a centralized platform to manage and track compliance requirements, including regulatory updates.

Compliance 360: Compliance 360 is a software platform that helps healthcare organizations manage their compliance programs effectively. It offers features such as risk assessment, policy management, incident reporting, and regulatory tracking. The system provides real-time updates on regulatory changes and helps organizations monitor their compliance status.

Healthicity Compliance Manager: Healthicity Compliance Manager is a software solution that assists healthcare organizations in managing compliance risks. It provides tools for policy management, audits, and incident tracking. The system also includes a regulatory library that keeps organizations updated on changes in healthcare regulations.

Healthcare organizations can ensure that their staff members receive the necessary training through compliance management software by following these steps:

  1. Assess Training Needs: Begin by assessing the training needs of the organization. Identify the specific regulatory requirements and compliance areas that staff members need to be trained on. This assessment can be based on roles, departments, job functions, or specific compliance topics.

  2. Select Appropriate Training Modules: Based on the identified training needs, select the appropriate training modules available in the compliance management software. These modules may cover topics such as privacy and security, documentation standards, billing and coding guidelines, patient safety protocols, or any other relevant compliance areas.

  3. Customize Training Content: Customize the training content within the compliance management software to align with the organization's specific policies, procedures, and processes. Tailor the training materials to reflect the organization's unique compliance requirements and ensure that staff members understand how these requirements apply to their roles.

  4. Assign Training to Staff: Utilize the features provided by the compliance management software to assign the relevant training modules to staff members. Assignments can be based on job roles, departments, or any other appropriate criteria. The software should have the capability to track and record individual training assignments.

  5. Set Training Deadlines: Establish training deadlines to ensure that staff members complete their assigned training within a specified timeframe. Compliance management software typically allows administrators to set due dates for completion, and the system can send automated reminders to staff members to ensure timely completion.

  6. Monitor Training Progress: Use the reporting and tracking features of the compliance management software to monitor the progress of staff members' training. The software should provide real-time visibility into which staff members have completed their training, who is in progress, and who has not yet started. This monitoring allows administrators to identify and address any training gaps or non-compliance issues promptly.

  7. Provide Support and Resources: Offer support and resources to staff members to facilitate their training. This may include providing access to additional reference materials, FAQs, or contact information for compliance experts within the organization who can address any questions or concerns that arise during the training process.

  8. Assess Training Effectiveness: Periodically assess the effectiveness of the training program by evaluating staff members' comprehension and retention of the training content. Compliance management software often provides assessment and quiz functionalities to measure knowledge and understanding. Use these tools to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to the training program.

  9. Ongoing Training and Updates: Regulatory requirements and compliance standards evolve over time. It is crucial to provide ongoing training and updates to staff members to keep them informed about any changes or new regulations. Leverage the capabilities of the compliance management software to deliver targeted and timely training updates whenever regulatory changes occur.

By following these steps, healthcare organizations can effectively utilize compliance management software to ensure that staff members receive the necessary training. This approach promotes a culture of compliance, enhances staff knowledge and awareness, and helps mitigate compliance risks within the organization.

Solution #2: Build a Culture of Compliance

Fostering a culture of compliance within a healthcare organization is another important solution to regulatory compliance challenges. This involves creating an environment where staff members are aware of regulatory requirements and understand the importance of compliance. It includes promoting open communication regarding potential compliance issues and encouraging employees to report any concerns or violations they come across.

Here are some key steps to building a culture of compliance:

  1. Leadership Commitment: Leadership at all levels should demonstrate a strong commitment to compliance by setting a positive example and emphasizing its importance throughout the organization. Leaders should actively participate in compliance initiatives, communicate expectations, and allocate resources for compliance efforts in huddles, department meetings. By integrating updates will aid in keeping new and existing compliance related topics integrated into the organization's culture.

  2. Comprehensive Policies and Procedures: Develop and communicate comprehensive policies and procedures that outline regulatory requirements and expectations for compliance. These policies should be easily accessible to all staff members and regularly updated to reflect changes in regulations.

  3. Training and Education: Provide regular training and education programs to ensure that all staff members are well-informed about regulatory requirements. Training should cover topics such as privacy and security, documentation standards, billing and coding guidelines, and patient safety protocols. Use interactive and engaging training methods to enhance knowledge retention and ensure comprehension.

  4. Monitoring and Auditing: Implement a system for ongoing monitoring and auditing of compliance practices within the organization. Regularly assess and review compliance activities to identify areas of improvement or potential non-compliance. This can involve conducting internal audits, using data analytics tools to identify outliers or patterns of non-compliance, and addressing findings through corrective actions.

  5. Reporting and Non-Retaliation: Establish a reporting mechanism that allows employees to report potential compliance concerns or violations without fear of retaliation. Provide clear guidelines on how to report, and ensure confidentiality and protection for whistleblowers. Encourage a culture of reporting and emphasize that compliance is a shared responsibility.

  6. Continuous Improvement and Communication: Foster a culture of continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and updating compliance processes, policies, and training programs. Communicate compliance successes, challenges, and updates to staff members to keep them engaged and informed in huddles and department meetings. Placing updates on communication boards and hand-off documents is also a great idea.

  7. Here are two examples backed by research on how to create an environment where staff members are educated on regulatory requirements:

  8. Regular Compliance Training: Conduct regular compliance training sessions for all employees to ensure they have a clear understanding of regulatory requirements. These training sessions should cover topics such as privacy and security, documentation standards, billing and coding guidelines, and patient safety protocols. Use interactive and engaging training methods to enhance knowledge retention and ensure comprehension.

  9. Research has shown that regular compliance training improves employee knowledge and awareness of regulatory requirements, resulting in better compliance practices within healthcare organizations (Source: "Effectiveness of Compliance Training in Healthcare: A Systematic Review" - Journal of Healthcare Risk Management).

  10. Utilize Compliance Champions: Designate compliance champions within the organization who are responsible for promoting compliance awareness and education. These individuals can act as internal resources and provide guidance to their colleagues regarding compliance-related matters. They can organize workshops, distribute educational materials, and facilitate discussions on compliance topics.

Research suggests that appointing compliance champions can significantly improve compliance culture and increase staff knowledge and adherence to regulatory requirements (Source: "The Role of Compliance Champions in Promoting Ambulatory Healthcare Quality" - Journal of Healthcare Management).

Solution #3: Partner with Industry Associations

Healthcare organizations can also benefit from partnering with industry associations to enhance their regulatory compliance efforts. Many associations offer their members access to regulatory updates, webinars, and compliance resources. Engaging with other members of these associations provides opportunities to share best practices, learn from each other's experiences, and gain insights into successful compliance strategies.

Here are some best practice examples as to how staff should stay up to date on regulatory compliance updates:

  1. Attend Conferences and Workshops: Encourage staff members to attend conferences, workshops, and seminars organized by industry associations or regulatory bodies. These events often feature expert speakers who provide updates on regulatory changes, compliance trends, and best practices. Attending such events allows staff to stay informed about the latest developments and network with peers facing similar compliance challenges.

  2. Subscribe to Regulatory Newsletters: Encourage staff members to subscribe to newsletters or email updates from reputable sources that focus on healthcare regulations. These newsletters often provide regular updates on changes in regulations, compliance tips, and resources. By subscribing to such newsletters, staff can receive timely information directly in their inboxes and stay up to date with the evolving regulatory landscape.

  3. Healthcare organizations can engage with industry associations to access regulatory updates and resources through various methods. Here are some effective ways to establish and maintain engagement:

  4. Membership: Become a member of industry associations that focus on healthcare compliance and regulatory affairs. Membership typically grants access to a wide range of benefits, including regulatory updates, resources, webinars, and networking opportunities. Healthcare organizations can join national, regional, or specialty-specific associations based on their needs and areas of focus.

  5. Attend Conferences and Webinars: Industry associations often organize conferences, webinars, and educational events where experts share insights on regulatory changes and compliance best practices. Healthcare organizations should actively participate in these events to stay informed about the latest updates and gain valuable knowledge. Attendance at these events also provides opportunities for networking and collaboration with other professionals in the field.

  6. Collaborative Projects: Engage in collaborative projects and initiatives led by industry associations. These projects may involve developing guidelines, best practice recommendations, or policy papers related to regulatory compliance. By participating in such projects, healthcare organizations can contribute their expertise and gain access to the latest insights and resources generated through collaborative efforts.

  7. Regulatory Committees and Working Groups: Join regulatory committees or working groups established by industry associations. These committees focus on specific regulatory areas and work towards developing industry standards, providing feedback on proposed regulations, or addressing compliance challenges collectively. Active participation in these groups allows organizations to stay at the forefront of regulatory developments and contribute to shaping industry practices.

  8. Online Resources and Newsletters: Industry associations often maintain online platforms and newsletters dedicated to regulatory compliance. Healthcare organizations can regularly visit these platforms or subscribe to newsletters to access updated regulatory information, compliance guidelines, and resources. These resources may include articles, white papers, toolkits, and templates that assist organizations in understanding and implementing regulatory requirements.

  9. Networking and Peer Exchange: Industry associations provide opportunities for networking and peer exchange among healthcare professionals. Engaging in forums, discussion boards, or online communities facilitated by these associations allows organizations to connect with peers, share experiences, and seek advice regarding regulatory compliance challenges. These interactions can lead to valuable insights and practical solutions.

Here are some examples of industry associations that healthcare organizations can join to access regulatory updates and resources:

  1. American Medical Association (AMA): The AMA is the largest association of physicians and medical students in the United States. It offers resources, advocacy, and educational programs to healthcare professionals. The AMA provides updates on regulatory changes, offers guidance on compliance issues, and advocates for physicians' interests in shaping healthcare policy.

  2. American Hospital Association (AHA): The AHA represents and advocates for hospitals and healthcare systems across the United States. It offers resources, educational programs, and policy updates related to healthcare regulations. The AHA provides information on compliance best practices, regulatory changes, and assists members in navigating complex regulatory requirements.

  3. Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS): HIMSS is a global association focused on healthcare technology and information management. It provides resources, educational events, and networking opportunities to healthcare organizations. HIMSS offers insights on regulatory compliance related to health information technology, data privacy, and cybersecurity.

  4. Medical Group Management Association (MGMA): The MGMA is an association for medical practice administrators and healthcare executives. It offers resources, education, and networking opportunities to support practice management and regulatory compliance. The MGMA provides updates on healthcare regulations, compliance guidelines, and benchmarks for performance improvement.

  5. Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA): HFMA is an association for healthcare finance professionals. It offers resources, education, and networking opportunities related to financial management, revenue cycle, and compliance. HFMA provides updates on reimbursement regulations, compliance strategies, and offers tools to assess and improve compliance practices.

  6. American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA): AHIMA is an association focused on health information management and medical coding. It offers resources, education, and certifications related to health information privacy, data integrity, and compliance. AHIMA provides guidance on regulatory changes, coding standards, and compliance best practices.

If you need guidance getting through new or existing regulations - please reach out to our team to set up a quick call. In the call we’ll give you a high-level direction of what we think you need and can discuss a formal engagement if we’re a good fit.


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